About Me

Lover of carbs, cake and all things in between. An East London girl on a year's mission to chronicle all her gastronomic highs and lows, and hopefully gain many many pounds in the process.

Friday 3 June 2011

Winter/Summer Wraps

So, you open the fridge and you discover that you have the following things lolling forlornly on the bottom shelf:

A couple of small, sad potatoes
Some cheese
A bag of (wilting) spring greens

What to do?  Well, you clearly need to buy some tortilla wraps and some shallots, and you've got a more seasonal version of Winter Wraps.   I wasn't convinced by the idea of potato wraps (even for me, that sounds like a lot of carbs), but they were delicious.  The key was to chop the potatoes small, parboil, and then let them fry softly until they're fluffy and crumbly.  Also make sure that your onion-greens-potato ratio is biased towards the non-carbs and you'll be fine.

We swapped the recommended creme fraiche for some grated cheddar, and also had a bowlful of salad leaves from the garden to add some freshness and crunch.


Pudding was some blueberries that we bought from the fruit stall outside Stratford station.  £1 a box, people.  You can't go wrong.  They were so ripe we ate them by themselves like sweets.   Here's an arty picture in which I try to make cheap fruit look more glamorous than it is.

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