About Me

Lover of carbs, cake and all things in between. An East London girl on a year's mission to chronicle all her gastronomic highs and lows, and hopefully gain many many pounds in the process.

Sunday 29 January 2012

Rabbit Pie

Even with our gargantuan appetites, the rabbit casserole had us defeated.   There was quite a bit left in the pot, and we were considering leftover ideas.  Pasta?  Some kind of paella-y rice dish?  Then B turned to me and with great seriousness pronounced that the only acceptable dish would be a rabbit pie.  So that was what we made.


Doesn't the sight of that just make your heart feel happy?  And do you notice my artistic efforts with the pastry rabbit?  Because I really have too much time on my hands?

We picked all the meat from the rabbit bones (which are small and fiddly, and not welcome in a pie) and strifried it with a chopped carrot, a couple of mushrooms and some shallots.  A slug of milk at the end helped it all come together.

This mixture then got spooned into a Jus-Rol jacket.  (There was some nonsense from B about making the pastry from scratch.  He insisted that it was worth the time and effort, until we got to the supermarket and saw that the ingredients together would cost more than the ready-done Jus-Rol.  And then he changed his mind. Ahaha.)   The pie got brushed with milk, and popped into the oven at 180 degrees for half an hour.

Just gorgeous.

There was just enough pastry left over to make us each a little jam tart.

Any meal that features pastry in both the main meal and the dessert is sure to be a winner.

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