About Me

Lover of carbs, cake and all things in between. An East London girl on a year's mission to chronicle all her gastronomic highs and lows, and hopefully gain many many pounds in the process.

Tuesday 4 October 2011

Come Dine With Me - The Clapham Edition

Last Friday, we clock-watched at our respective offices until home time crept s-l-o-w-l-y around and we were set free to hightail it to Clapham and enjoy the culinary achievements of the lovely Miss K.   The meal looked intriguing from the beginning:

risotto walnut apple cambozola gorgonzola

K's chopping board, featuring an apple, chopped walnuts, and a MOUNTAIN of Cambozola cheese.   I don't think I'd ever come across this cheese before.  It was amazing - a cross between Gorgonzola and Camenbert (as the name suggests).  We should have more cheese mash-ups - I'm sure there's a market out there somewhere for a daring Edam/goat's cheese combo.

K combined all the fancy ingredients above into one beautiful-looking, heaven-on-a-plate, risotto.   Here's a pic:

risotto walnut apple sage Cambozola

Lovely, no?  And it was delicious - all creamy cheese offset by the crunchiness of the walnuts and the freshness of the apple.  Om. 

Here was the show-stopping dessert:

fresh peach raspberry coulis pavlova meringue

That's a peach pavlova with raspberry coulis.  Amazing, right?  But wait!  There's more!  Are you sitting down?  K MADE THE MERINGUE HERSELF.  The night before!  From scratch!  I was very impressed by this feat of domestic goddess-ness. 

If you look carefully at the corner of the photo above, you can see the guilty secret of our Come Dine With Me evenings, and the cause of many a post-dinner hangover.   Ah, Disaronno. 

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