About Me

Lover of carbs, cake and all things in between. An East London girl on a year's mission to chronicle all her gastronomic highs and lows, and hopefully gain many many pounds in the process.

Monday 31 October 2011

Posh Sausages & Beans

Remember this entry, where I ranted about sausages only coming in packs of six?


In Tesco this week, I found sausages in packs of ten.  This must be due to one of two reasons.

1.)  My lobbying for more sensible quantities of sausages has triumphed in the face of big business, and the supermarket giants have changed their ways in face of my excellent reasoning;


2.)  Sausages have always been available in packs of ten, and I've just been unobservant all this time.

Anyway, I celebrated this discovery by buying more sausages. 

B was at a late meeting and wasn't sure what time he'd get away, so I wanted a quick and easy dish that I could just stick on the stove and forget about, whilst I caught up on all the TV I can't watch with him (Don't Tell The Bride, Sex & The City repeats).   We had a big bag of kale in the fridge that needed eating, and a quick Google search of sausages + kale revealed this lovely-sounding number (another version of this recipe can be found here.)  I didn't chop the sausages into chunks (honestly, why bother - that's what teeth are for) and I omitted the cream, and it turned into a no-fuss, no-frills dinner, soothingly bland and sufficient stodgy for a winter's evening. 

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go and chuck some more mini Mars Bars into the mouths of the baying trick-or-treat mob outside our door.  The kids along our street don't really have the Hallowe'en spirit, if you ask me.  Half of them aren't even in costume, and they bellow "MONEY OR SWEETS!" before the front door is even halfway open.  Ah, so charming.

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