About Me

Lover of carbs, cake and all things in between. An East London girl on a year's mission to chronicle all her gastronomic highs and lows, and hopefully gain many many pounds in the process.

Wednesday 18 January 2012

Roasted Squash Salad & Homemade Houmous

Hi! Happy Wednesday! How were your weekends? We had B's parents staying for a couple of days. We made this, followed by this.  A bit unadventurous, I know, but both winter-warming, crowd-pleasing dishes.  We used an enormous Crown Prince squash from our veg box for the risotto, and even serving four of us we had more than half left over. 

So I put my thinking cap on and wondered what a person could possibly do with half of a roasted squash.  And I came up with this.  It's pretty beautiful, I think you'll agree.

Roasted Squash Salad (serves 4)

Half of a huge squash, chopped into chunks and roasted until soft - or use a whole small butternut squash
1 small white onion, chopped
1/2 dried chorizo sausage, chopped
Olive oil
A couple of sprigs fresh sage, chopped 
150g cous-cous
Salt and pepper

Make up the cous-cous in the normal way in a large bowl and set aside.  Soften the onion in olive oil, then add in the chorizo.  After about 5 minutes, tip in the chunks of squash and stir so that everything is coated with golden, paprika-y goodness.   Add to the cous-cous, season well, and add the fresh sage.  Drizzle over the dressing from this coleslaw (thanks, Nigel) and mix, mix, mix until all the ingredients are thoroughly combined. 

Serve with homemade houmous (I'm a convert to the Vefa way of making houmous - chickpeas, lemon juice, oil, tahini paste and a garlic clove, blitzed until smooth) and pitta breads.   They can even be wholemeal pittas if you're on some silly health kick like us. 

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