About Me

Lover of carbs, cake and all things in between. An East London girl on a year's mission to chronicle all her gastronomic highs and lows, and hopefully gain many many pounds in the process.

Saturday 29 October 2011

Tinned Peach & Ginger Crumble

This isn't going to be a long post. (Try to contain your disappointment.) It's going to be short because I've got a date with my husband, a whisky-and-ginger nightcap, and a particularly scintillating episode of Match of the Day.   I will be making insightful comments such as, "ooh, isn't he running fast!" and "which team is playing in blue, again?"  What a lucky man B is.

We've got just enough time before MOTD kicks off (ha! a football joke! AMAZING) to talk crumble.

I love me some crumble.

So easy to make and so comforting to eat.   The Holy Grail of winter puddings, I think you'll agree.

Crumble is even better when you don't mess about stewing fruit for the filling and just open a tin instead.  Sophie Grigson says it's OK.   She also says to put ginger in the crumble topping.  This is OK too.  She also says to scatter some pinenuts over the top before baking.  That was a step too far for me. 

The super-sweetness of the tinned peaches works amazingly with the warm, gingery, crunchy topping.  Happy winter eating, everyone.

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