About Me

Lover of carbs, cake and all things in between. An East London girl on a year's mission to chronicle all her gastronomic highs and lows, and hopefully gain many many pounds in the process.

Monday 18 July 2011

Rainy Day Barbeque

Oh, the joys of a British summer.  Rain on a Saturday when you're attending a long-planned and long-awaited barbeque?  Why not!  Luckily, our friends who had organised the barbeque are intrepid and hardy souls who blithely ignored the pouring rain and fired up the barbeque under the cover of their garage door.  By the time we arrived, the rain had paused and the sun was even trying to make a tentative appearance. 

They know how to throw a barbeque, as well.  We were served lots of lovely salads and bread, as well as joints of beef and pork which were barbequed whole, and then sliced into fat chunks for us all to drool over. 

We also did a wine-tasting challenge....

...in which I improved on past performance by identifying two out of the six wines served.   Last year I scored zero.  Not my proudest moment.  This year I did better by copying the answers of those around me. 

When the rain began again, we retreated indoors for dessert: 

Ahhh, Eton Mess.  Is there anything that can beat a huge bowl of creamy, meringue-y, strawberry goodness on a summer's day?  I think not. 

There was cheese too.  My happiness was complete.

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