About Me

Lover of carbs, cake and all things in between. An East London girl on a year's mission to chronicle all her gastronomic highs and lows, and hopefully gain many many pounds in the process.

Sunday 17 July 2011

Porridge with Blackberries & Brown Sugar

This blog has been a bit light on content this week, because I haven't had many proper dinners (sad face!)  My evenings have been full of everything except food, and that equals a Very Bad Week in my book. But when I know I'm going to have a busy night, I always try to make sure I fuel up on a filling breakfast that morning, to keep me going for as long as possible.
Breakfasts are great! I don't understand people who can merrily last through until lunchtime on just a decaf coffee and an eleven o'clock custard cream. Pretty much as soon as I wake up, I'm thinking about what I could eat. If I'm pressed for time, it's normally a bowl of Alpen or some toast with peanut butter. If I've got a couple more minutes, I'll make up some bircher (which transports brilliantly in a tupperware for an at-your-desk breakfast) or the best energy-giving breakfast of all:  porridge.
You can make porridge in the microwave, but I can't.  It always bubbles over and crusts hard onto the inside of the microwave, whilst in the bowl I'm left with some strange crater-y rubble. So I find it easier to make it in a pan over a low heat, stirring gently until all the liquid is absorbed. I use half milk and half water to make the porridge creamy but not too luxurious (it is still a simple breakfast, after all). I like to play around with the toppings - B is a big fan of golden syrup, I favour honey. The cupboard was a little bit bare this week, so I went with a big handful of blackberries from the freezer, and a whole heaping of brown sugar.

And lots of coffee, of course.  One coffee good, two coffees better.

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