About Me

Lover of carbs, cake and all things in between. An East London girl on a year's mission to chronicle all her gastronomic highs and lows, and hopefully gain many many pounds in the process.

Sunday 24 July 2011

A Genuine Five-Minute Stove-to-Sofa Dinner

The other night, B and I were both home late (me from work, him from the pub...yep, that's how we roll), and we were both absolutely starving - and tired. Dinner needed to be something filling and super-quick.

Step forward that most wondrous of all modern inventions - the fresh filled pasta. I love those bad boys. They take just minutes to cook, yet taste delicious - and they don't need much in the way of sauce or toppings to jazz them up.

Here's our five minute stove-to-sofa action plan:

00.00 - fill kettle with water and switch on.

00.30 - open fridge. Remove pasta and leftover pesto sauce. Get out bowls and forks. 
1.00 - place a large saucepan on the hob and fill with your now boiling water. Tip in the pasta.
1.30 to 4.00 - put on pyjamas, switch on TV, and feed disgruntled cat.
4.00 - drain pasta, divide between bowls. Stir the pesto sauce and drizzle over the pasta.
5.00 - sit down on sofa with a sigh of relief.   Probably there's a Friends repeat you can watch on telly.

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