About Me

Lover of carbs, cake and all things in between. An East London girl on a year's mission to chronicle all her gastronomic highs and lows, and hopefully gain many many pounds in the process.

Thursday 14 July 2011

Bangers & Mash With Red Wine Gravy

Ugh.  It was One of Those Days.  The tube was delayed so I was late to work.  I went out without a coat and the weather turned Machiavellian on me and I froze to death walking home.  Gahhhhh.  But you know what?  Food cures all bad-day blues.  Particularly food like this:

Oh yes, my friends.  Those are Gloucester Old Spot sausages from the Ginger Pig.   Served with mashed potatoes, roasted cabbage, and a thick, gloopily delicious gravy made with red wine and a chopped onion.  Food to make you smile. 

For pudding, we ritzed up a box of £1-from-the-fruit-stall strawberries:

Mojito Strawberries

Wash and de-stalk your strawberries.  Slice the large ones in half and pop into a nice serving bowl.  (Isn't mine pretty?  So yellow!)  Liberally sprinkle with sugar and the juice from half a fresh lime.  Pour over a capful of rum (or gin...really, whatever liquor you have in the cupboard.  We used sloe gin!  We've got to use up that bottle somehow!) and leave the strawberries to marinate for half an hour or so.  Then eat quickly for maximum yumminess. 

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