About Me

Lover of carbs, cake and all things in between. An East London girl on a year's mission to chronicle all her gastronomic highs and lows, and hopefully gain many many pounds in the process.

Saturday 20 August 2011

Tomato & Courgette Salad With Cannellini Beans

I opened the fridge this week and was struck immediately by two thoughts.

1.) Holy crap, that is a LOT of tomatoes.  

I wasn't lying last week when I said tomatoes are going to feature on this blog every day until October.  A couple of sunny days have sent our plants into a production bonanza, and every evening B brings in the ripest by the handful.  It's lucky for us that tomatoes are diet superheroes.  And that biscuits don't grow on plants.

2.)  Ah, the Inevitable Courgette.

Anyone who has a regular veg box delivery will understand this feeling.  It's the feeling you get when the same vegetable turns up in the box for the fourth week running.  It's not your favourite vegetable, in fact you're a bit on the fence about it, and you've run out of ways to cook it.  You've still got some left over from last week's box, actually.  It seems to have taken up permanent residence in your fridge.  Ahh, the Inevitable Courgette.  (In winter, it's the Inevitable Beetroot.  I don't know if I'll be able to face yet more borscht this year). 

So I tried to think of recipes that would use both courgettes and tomatoes, but would not be ratatouille (yeck, I hate that stuff.  Although not this.  I liked that very much).   Riverford send a couple of recipe ideas in their boxes every week, and that was where I found this.

tomato courgette homegrown salad
I've become a little obsessed about taking photos in front of my kitchen window.  Have you noticed?
We played about with the recipe a little bit - because we were eating it as a main meal, we added in a whole load of salad leaves to bulk it out.  And we didn't make a basil dressing (which we thought might drown out the flavour of the tomatoes) - we just drizzled olive oil, balsamic, and plenty of crushed salt and pepper over everything.   It was not bad at all.  

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