About Me

Lover of carbs, cake and all things in between. An East London girl on a year's mission to chronicle all her gastronomic highs and lows, and hopefully gain many many pounds in the process.

Monday 23 May 2011

Some Thoughts on....Lunch

In a radical break with tradition, I'm posting about lunch today, as dinner tonight is the leftover lasagne from the dinner we made yesterday. It turns out we made enough to feed a small army.

In an attempt to counterbalance the quantity of cheese I'll be consuming later, I had salad for lunch. Salad! I know. It's so boring. Salad doesn't rank very highly in my list of yummy lunchables.

Top Three Week-Day Lunches
1.) A toasted cheese, ham, and tomato panini. Preferably with ketchup or mayonnaise on the side to dip into. The thin bread, the melting cheese, the added hint of danger that you will very likely burn your tongue on boiling squirt of tomato pips.....It takes some beating.

2.) Sushi. I love the little sachets of soy sauce and wasabi, love the prettiness of the sushi rolls. Mostly I like how sophisticated and cosmopolitan I feel when wielding a pair of chopsticks.

3.) A miso soup and avocado & herb salad wrap. This is my go-to lunch if I'm ever near a Pret (hard to believe, but where I currently work is not located near a Pret branch. I know! Drat that tin mine). It feels healthy and filling at the same time. And boy do I love avocado.

So, yeah. Salad - I'm not your biggest fan. But sometimes it has to be eaten, and so I try to make it as varied and interesting as I can. Today's salad featured:

- Salad leaves from a nice mixed packet that came in our veg box this week. Something in it is really, really peppery.
- Cherry tomatoes
- Sliced cucumber
- Sliced celery
- Sliced ham
- Avocado (yessss!)
- LOTS of sunflower and pumpkin seeds

Zzzzzz. I dressed it with olive oil, lemon juice, salt and pepper. I nearly fell asleep whilst eating it, but at least I feel virtuous and healthy now. And very ready for a lasagne-fest later. Yay!
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