About Me

Lover of carbs, cake and all things in between. An East London girl on a year's mission to chronicle all her gastronomic highs and lows, and hopefully gain many many pounds in the process.

Monday 16 May 2011

Double Mushroom Pizza and Home-Grown Salad

Good morning! Welcome to The Daily Yum, my blog chronicling the highs, lows and the wine involved in 365 days of dinners.

Last night I was working late, so B was in charge of dinner. He made a super-thin pizza base using wholemeal seed & grain flour, and a tomato sauce from scratch with rosemary and chopped mushrooms in it. The topping featured more sliced mushrooms (hence the double-mushroom name), torn mozzarella, strips of smoked bayonne ham, and lots of black pepper. Fifteen minutes in a hot oven and voila! The smokiness of the ham and the earthiness of the mushrooms really worked well together. You could easily make this vegetarian by leaving out the ham, but it does add a nice oomph to it. On the side we had a salad made from the first leaves from our kitchen garden...little bits of rocket, lamb's lettuce, and radish seedlings, which B dressed with lemon juice and olive oil.

Exhausted by the amazingness of this meal, pudding was a couple of satsumas and a biscuit (because no meal is complete without something sweet, and really, a satsuma just can't cut it).

Tonight is cinema night, so I'll be making something speedy and simple to have after the film. Stay tuned! I bet you literally cannot wait.

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