About Me

Lover of carbs, cake and all things in between. An East London girl on a year's mission to chronicle all her gastronomic highs and lows, and hopefully gain many many pounds in the process.

Thursday 19 May 2011

Mojitos and Mexican(ish) Wraps

Hello, mojito!

B makes an amazing mojito, which features home-grown mint and double shots of rum. I would ask him to share the recipe, but since even I don't know it, I don't like your chances.

As it's Thursday evening, and that makes it technically the weekend, we decided to celebrate with one of our favourite meals. There's a lot of different components in this meal, but none of them take long to put together, so it really is a quick and simple meal masquerading as something more special.

Above you see:

- Tortilla wraps. You only have to whizz them in the microwave and they're done.

- Shredded lettuce. Take out of the bag and shake into a bowl.

- Grated cheese. Any old cheese you have kicking about in the fridge.

- Stir-fried vegetables. We stirfried peppers, kohlrabi (again. I know! It's hard to think what to do with that thing. It seems to always be in our veg box at the minute), spring greens, carrots and onions with some shop-bought spice mix.

- Guacamole. You can buy this, of course, or you could make it this super-simple way which takes ten minutes tops:

Super Simple Guacamole
One big, or two small, very ripe avocadoes
A handful cherry tomatoes, chopped small
Pinch chili flakes/smoked paprika
One lime

Chop the flesh of the avocado(es) into a bowl. Add the tomatoes, then squeeze all the juice of the lime into the bowl as well. Add the chili flakes, or smoked paprika if you prefer. Mix and mash together - you can be as brutal as you like, it will be all the more delicious for it. You can fancy this up by adding chopped coriander, spring onions, garlic...really anything you like, but I've got to admit I like the simple version.

And there you have it! Load everything onto a tray, and your dinner is served.

Tomorrow's Friday! YAY! I'm going out for burgers and beer. See you on the flip side!
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