About Me

Lover of carbs, cake and all things in between. An East London girl on a year's mission to chronicle all her gastronomic highs and lows, and hopefully gain many many pounds in the process.

Friday 30 September 2011

Soupe de Poisson

On our last night in Capestang, we stayed in and had one of our favourite, only-in-France meals:  fish soup. 

You can buy this soup ready-made from the supermarket in big glass bottles.  It's not expensive, and you really don't want to guess what goes into it, but it tastes amazing.  Very savoury and salty and satisfying, without being too "fishy", if that makes any sense at all.

soupe de poisson fish soup

You serve the soup with spoonfuls of garlicky rouille stirred through it. 

And bread, wine and salad.

The wine we were drinking came directly from the local vineyards - we just take a plastic, 5-litre bidon down to the cave cooperative and they fill it with wine from a hose.  From a hose!  France is totally the best country ever.

wine bison local vineyard

This little bucket of happiness cost us a grand total of 6 euros.  Yep.  I know. 

That's it for the holiday posts!  I'll be putting up some spartan and thrifty entries after this, to compensate for all the cheese and wine.  Thanks for reading, and see you on the flip side!

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