About Me

Lover of carbs, cake and all things in between. An East London girl on a year's mission to chronicle all her gastronomic highs and lows, and hopefully gain many many pounds in the process.

Sunday 25 September 2011

Beetroot Salad With Yogurt

I know.  Another beetroot recipe.  That's two in the space of a week!  I can hear you shouting at your computer now:  but I never buy beetroot!  And certainly not in large enough quantities to merit two meals in one week!  Enough with the beetroot already!  Sheesh!

But what's a girl to do?  The Inevitable Beetroot has made its return and we'll all just have to get used to it.  On the plus side, it does allow you to make meals that look like this:

beetroot yogurt salad
So pretty!

(This is inspired by Vefa, again.)

Beetroot Salad With Yogurt

You need (serves 2):

3 beetroot, cooked, peeled and allowed to cool (=fiddly.  Wear an apron.  The juice stains like nobody's business.  Or buy ready-prepared beetroot from the supermarket)
150ml natural yogurt
Olive oil
Wine vinegar - either red or wine is fine
Salt & pepper

Slice your beetroot thinly and lay over a plate.  Drizzle the slices with olive oil and vinegar.  Glop the yogurt on top, and finish with a grating of salt and pepper.  Serve at room temperature so that the flavours have a chance to combine.

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