About Me

Lover of carbs, cake and all things in between. An East London girl on a year's mission to chronicle all her gastronomic highs and lows, and hopefully gain many many pounds in the process.

Wednesday 16 November 2011

Kale Pesto

My lovely mother gave us a huge bag of fresh kale over the weekend (I'm sure I saw my dad breathe a sigh of relief as we took it away).  We were thinking about maybe using it in a stirfry, or maybe an omelette - nothing too fancy.  But then I had a quiet ten minutes at work and thought I'd google some kale recipes, just for fun (because yes, I do spend all my free time thinking about food.  And indeed a lot of my non-free time too).  And guess what came up on the search?  This thoroughly awesome-sounding recipe.  I just couldn't resist. 

Of course we adapted it a little bit (the original recipe didn't contain any garlic, much to B's horror - he's militantly anti-vampire in his cooking).  But otherwise, we just put everything in a big bowl and went at it with a hand-mixer (see action shot below).

The resulting sauce was thick and incredibly, incredibly green - I felt healthier just looking at it!  It had a crunchier texture than basil pesto, and an earthier, more vegetable-y taste - delicious, and just the thing to brighten up a dull Tuesday  evening.

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